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The Judge
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This character is used by Xyox. Xyox is the Judge... :lol: simple heh? The Judge job is to apply the rules of RPB and that stuff...so, this character is in god mode. Don't try to take him on. Because this character is only for judging. So, he can enter whatever story, to appy the rules.
Name: ???? (Will be decided by the person I choose) Age: ???? Occupation: RedValley Judge Height: 6,0 Appearance and clothing: The Judge wear a black helmet, there is two dragon wings on the back of it. There is a little hole on the front, so that he can see, but we can't see his face. He also wears a dark knight armor, it is made of an unknow material, but they says that the armor could resist at a red dragon fire breath...on the back of it, there is a rune. Its only purpose is to reduce greatly the weight of the armor. He wears black boots made in the form of dragon's feets and in the same unknow material that the armor. It is said that these boots augment his agility. The Judge his aways seen on a yellow chocobo. Weapon(s): -Judge Spear: This spear is indestructible. The blade is made of adamantite, and the handle is made of thick and sticky black metal, making a better grip on the weapon. The Judge have it strapped on his chocobo side.
-Judge Sword: This sword is indestructible. The sword blade is made of enhanced adamantite. The Judge sword have blue inscription on it, the inscriptions reduce greatly the weight of the sword, making it more usable. The handle is made of the same sticky metal that the spear. The Judge have it strapped on his back.
Magic(s) and Special attacks:
-Banish: The Judge point his sword at the target that didn't follow the rule. Then, as he began to chant, several beams of spiritual energy grip the opponent so that he/she can't escape. Finally, a black glyph appear under the target, then the Judge say the final words and the target is banished from the RPB, TBRPB or TBRPG. If the target, still try to enter, the Judge have to give a warn level to the target. If again, he/she is too stupid to enter again, he/she is banished from RedValley. This skill can only be used, when the target have breaked more than one rule, and that he/she tries to fuck the story or battle.
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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LOL! a char for judging, wow thats a brilliant idea. Thinking out of the box...
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Group: Admin
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Lol, yeah... :lol: Thanks!
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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I like that idea. Man ive been thinking of my new character for a long time.. hardly any ideas.
Let's go back. Back to the beggining.

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Would you like to be the Judge?
If so, I can't make you super moderator...
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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Lol sure... its perfect.
Let's go back. Back to the beggining.

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Ok then...let me arrange that...
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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*Nods* :lol: Why are you being so loyal to me all of a sudden.. well not loyal but heh
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:blink: What do you mean?
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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"Nice"... ehhh scratch that. Cool?
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Group: Admin
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:blink: Anyways...
You are now declared Judge of RedValley! You have my permission to use this character to judge.
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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Ok thanks. :D :D Im THE JUDGE
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Group: Admin
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Tell me if you have ideas for attacks for him...but they must have something to do with the judge lol. :lol:
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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I dont think he needs any other attacks or stuff... hes just a judge after all.
Let's go back. Back to the beggining.

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Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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*Nods* Yeah
TwilightZero |
I'm A Sweet, Tough, Lovable Oaf. HUG ME!

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I'm scared Hide12
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
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*Talks in "The Judges" Tone*
And so you should be...
Big_Rob |
Warning 60% *Virus Dowloading*

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Emoticon Special just for the judge!!
agent 007 Hide12 evilgrin11 Satan12 Computerbreak1 No5 Satan12 Computerbreak1 Hey mackfly! :angry: Computerbreak1 Computerbreak1 :angry: Kick..his...ass11 Off111
The Judge is watching the forum, suddendly, from no where Ryku starts to get a evil idea, being the evil fool he is, fucks with the RPBs... the Judges gives him a warning and Ryku doesn't listen, continuing to do stupid sh*t. The Judge smacks Ryku on the head with the hilt of his blade, Ryku gets upset and goes berserk. The Judge get mad and Uses Banish on Ryku...Ryku is Banish and Carried off by and Trox
Xyox |
Soar Into The Deep.
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Group: Judge
Posts: 2873
Member No.: 2
Joined: 25-September 04
Status: Offline

Funny but spamming slightly...
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