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General Rules:
-Do not spam, if you spam several times, you will get a warning. -Do not double-post. Artists can double-post in the RedValley Artists forum. Writers that write fanfiction can double-post too in they own forum. -When a thread is closed, please don't create the same thing again, there is a reason why it have been closed. -Do not flame others, respect the opinon of others and do not insult them for nothing. -Stay to the topic of the threads for god sake! -When you fight someone, please don't taunt him/her in OCC. -If you need to find a thread in the entire board, please use the Search function at the top. -You can ask me to advertise a forum in the Affiliate thread in the RedValley News forum, but, to do so, the administrator of the board that will be advertised have to create a link to this board too. -If you have any questions, you can ask them here:;=10 or simply P.M me. Note that I am busy, so I can't reply right now. It would be best to ask in the above forum do have a faster answer. -You can ask for images hosting simply by P.Ming me or Sesshomaru. There is also a few website that can host images for free: Main Character Profile Rules: -When you create a thread for your character in the Character Profile forum, you cannot do another one for uptdates. If you do so, Sesshomaru or me, will delete the thread. -There is a limit of three active characters in the Character Profile forum. You can have a unlimited number of characters at RV, but if you overdo it, you will get a warning point, and there is still a limit of three active characters in the main section. The other can be stored in the Reserve Characters forum. Moderator Rules: Moderators Job: They have to check they forums times to times and delete/close/move topics if it is needed. They also have to PM me, Xyox or Sesshomaru if someone have broke the rules. When you PM any of us, you must include the thread where the rule was broken in a URL form and to include the name of the person that broke the rule. If it is true, or neccessary, the person that didn't respect the rule will get a warning. Spamming outer ''Spamming Grasslands'' is not tolerated anymore. If I have to, I will warn moderators too. Super Moderators: They have to check ALL the forums time to time to see if a thread needs to be moved/deleted/closed. They also have to warn via the warning system if someone broke a rule. Judges: The judges must make respect the rules of RPing at use. If someone broke a rule in a RPB, TBRPB, TBRPG, they can enter it with the ''Judge'' characters and banish them or give them a warning. They also declare the winner in terms of style, descriptions, etc...If the judge is participating, he can enter with the ''Judge'' character anyways. Staff Penalty If the work is not done, then you will get a warning, until it reaches 5. When it reaches 100% (or 5), the staff member lose it status and his warning counter is reset to zero. He will become a regular member again. RPing Rules: Styles Of RPing accepted at RedValley: Open: Open is for RPers that are quite good at describing, because here, you can't determine if your attack hit, so you must describe your moves to the fullest to make a post that have more than one sentence. It is to our opponent to decide if your attacks hit or not. Advantages of this system: -It develop your RPing skills and make you better than most of the RPing community if you use this style well. Example of people that don't use this style well: People that make a post with only a few sentences. -The battle usually last longer, but this is also a disadvantage sometimes. Disadvantages of this system: -Some people that use this style think they are superior, though in some rare case it is true. Most of them are just people that make a few sentences and think they are better than people that use Hybrid style. They usually also ditch all other form of RPing styles. -It is considered that this style can be unfair, since YOUR opponent decides if your attack work or not. That is why, we have rules against the asses that evade every attacks. Of course, this can be the best style if you play with someone that don't do that. -The battle usually last much longer than Hybrid or Closed battles. This can get annoying when you have a lot of fights to do. Closed: This is in a way, the contrary of open. Here, YOU decide if you attacks hit or not, which is a way of god modding. In short, you decide when you kill your opponent. You also exerce a certain control over your opponent character. This is considered a n00b style, but it is not. It is for people who are really not good at RPing, people that think they are better than everyone else, and people that consider themselves "good" at RPing. Advantages of this system: -Make you feel like you are better than everyone else, that you are a god of RPing, that you even pwn the admin and the moderators. Like a drug. Disadvantages of this system: -You will have a insane time to get someone to play that style, everyone know that this style is da sux. I even wonder why I write this. -This style is the most unfair, and it DO NOT determine if you are good or not. -It is almost god modding and may get you an easy warning if you are not careful. Hybrid: A mix of the two, it is the style the most "accepted" on the internet, the most fair and also RedValley official style. Here, you determine if your MINOR (ex. a sword slash that only leave a scratch, a fireball, etc) attacks hit or not. Your opponent decide if your MAJOR (ex. a very strong attack, a devastating magic, permanent wounds, etc) attack works. Advantages of this system: -The most fair. -The most realistic. -Greatly develop your RPing skills, but not as much as the Open style. -Fun to RP with someone that use this style. -A style that adapt over time. -A style that become greatly appreciated when it begin to be used in a board. -People that use this style are usually much mature. Disadvantages of this system: -You don't get the feeling that you are the best RPer on the board. -You become more and more fair when you play the other styles. (This not really a disadvantage) -Some people that use the Open or the Closed style hate you for no reasons and say that this style is unfair. They ditch you and think they are superior. (I found a example of this while wandering the RPing forums of Final Fantasy Network, I won't name the person that did that, but she/he don't come here anyways.) Rules: -Each time you start a RPB, TBRPB or TBRPG, you have to say what style of RPing we have to use. -All other style of RPing cannot be played here at RedValley, if you want to play a style that is not in this thread, go find somewhere else to play. You MAY send me the name and the descrition of the style, to see if it is acceptable. If it is, I will add it here and you will be able to play it, along with anybody else. Here my mail: -When you start a battle, a story or a game, be sure you don't do it of an impulsion, they usually get boring, tiring and don't finish. -If you make a tournament or a story that you want people to join, I recommend giving RPing gifts that you made yourself, like a cool and strong sword. Just make sure the object is not in the category of god modding. -If your opponent don't post in a two week time, you have the rights to end the make another battle post. If your opponent still don't have posted in another week, you may bring the battle to an end, the winner will then be decided by the OFFICIAL JUDGE or a super-moderator if the official judge ins't here. He/she will determine the winner by terms as, description in your posts, skills, etc. -The official judge reserve the rights to enter a battle or TBRPB to punish someone, give a warning, ban him from the battle, etc. The judge is set in god mode, so you can't defeat him, and if you even try, I, myself, will ban you from the battle with my admin powers. -No god moding, P.M me if you don't know what god modding is. -When you comment or say things unrelated with the battle, story or etc, you have to write "OCC" at the start of your post. You may also use the (( )). -All other rules of RedValley apply. (ex. double posting) Penalties for not following the rules: -First Warning -Second Warning + Banning from the TBRPB, TBRPG or RPB. -Third Warning -One permanent* warning + RPing suspension for two weeks. -Fourth Warning + One other permanent warning + WHOLE board suspension for one month. -Ban for unlimited time. *A warning that can't be removed, even if you become the "angel" of the board. [ Script Execution time: 0.1046 ] [ 9 queries used ] [ GZIP Enabled ]
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