Group: Powers that be
Posts: 752
Member No.: 1
Joined: 10-June 04
This bitch at my job thinks shes the best lookin female anywhere. She be comin out wearin all these "Look at my big tities" outfits and shit. Talkin to who she wants to on certain days and shit. Like one day she might come at me and flirt and shit then tommorow the bitch wont even look at me. the next its the next nigga she wont talk to. I think that attitude gets bitches hated.
Group: Members
Posts: 313
Member No.: 9
Joined: 1-July 04
i feel u on that i received that same shit all my life but from all the woman and excluding the firting. especially in school. only way they would flirt wit me or act like they like me was when they played truth or dare. no bullshit. thats why i dont care for em, i got my wife and thats all i ask for and all i need.