Just because we didn't find WMD's doesn't mean there weren't any other highly dangerous weapons. In fact I was doing research a commander of the polish intelligence in Iraq said soldier from the polish army found 17 grad rockets containing some chemicals , at least 2 of them tested positive for Sarin\Cyclosarin, plus another 16 empty rockets ( these are as well a violation of UN Resolutions as they are delivery systems)
Now. For all of you democrats, that say whoop-de-doo to Sarin\Cyclosarin, here are some of the effects...
Lowered acetylcholinesterase levels are indicators of nerve agent intoxication in victims.
Depending on the degree of intoxication, symptoms may include:
Nervousness/Restlessness Miosis (contraction of the pupil) Rhinorrhea (runny nose), excessive salivation Dyspnea (difficulty in breathing due to bronchoconstriction/secretions) Sweating Bradycardia (slow heartbeat) Loss of consciousness Convulsions Flaccid paralysis Loss of bladder and bowel control Apnea (breathing stopped)
Onset is usually rapid, occurring within minutes of exposure.
So. In summary, 1 gram of cyclosarin is enough to send 300 220lb. men into cardiac arrest, stop their breathing , make them loose bladder and bowel control, go completely limp, into convulsions... and die...
1 such rocket contains enough cyclosarin to kill about 5000 people. and at least 2 tested positive. so that is roughly the ability to kill 10,000 people.
plus the delivery systems to kill another 80,000 (rockets that were empty)
So, hows that for an assumption.