Dear Members,
The "fine-tuning" of the site turn out to be not that successfully in a new color scheme sense. Little did I know was that IPB uses CSS, and I have yet to learn that. So, no new templates for a long while. However on I better note this is what I did do;
More Forums: I added alot more forums, these are just test forums. Any that are unpopular or that get out of hand will be immediatly removed. More Forums means more staff please if you are interested apply for a mod. position in the Apply Forum.
Punching Bag- Although this is a no rules forum, please do not upload any pictures whatsoever. And if you going to flame other members please keep it legal. If you flame any staff, remember they have the power to warn and do whatever they please...if you feel like staff has abused power (including me) state it in a PM or IM with me. And I will do whatever I can do.
Fixed Meta Tags The meta tags, which are used for search engines have been fixed.
Vote For Us Button Instead of having those click-here links on the bottom and top of the indexed page, I put a button on the portal.
Gave Staff Extra Privlege Although it doesn't seem like a big privlege I allowed staff to have 75-100 PMs. Reg. Members can only hold 50.
I also got some other thing done that no one will care about, so that will be left in the dark. Again, I am sorry for the offline time and as soon as I figure out CSS I'll make colors or whatever.
Also, I asked if they will allow access to the Arcade. An arcade will be a healthy addition to the forum. Not only can you play games, but challenge people..etc..etc....etc.
That's it for now.
Love, Danny