GOP Chairman Candidate
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Member No.: 166
Joined: 21-August 04

QUOTE | Mr. Laverone, for himself, as well as Mr. Milam, Mr. Fernandez, Mr. Schmidt, Mr. Boland, Mr. Ramsey, Mr. Garwood, Mr. Smith, Mr. Cienciolo, Mr. Messer, Mr. Dollins, Mr. Karamazov, Mr. MacGyver, Mr. Smith, Mr. Pennings, Mr. Forsyth, Mr. Martin, Mr. Harper, Mr. Heortman, Mr. Dalton, Mr. Hatcher, Mr. Daniels, and Mr. Pickett submit to the House Committee on International Relations and Armed Services:
To bring before the United Nations the grievances of the United States in regards to said institution.
Be it approved by both houses of Congress and the President of the United States.
The Congress of the United States finds that:
1. The United Nations has failed in its mission to promote peace and democracy throughout the world, and has failed to provide adequate humanitarian support to those who so desperately need it.
2. The United Nations has failed to promote human rights by allowing nations regarded by the UN itself as human rights violators to hold positions on the UN Human Rights Commission.
3. The United Nations is an inherently undemocratic institution in that the organization is accountable to no one.
4. The United Nations has failed to prosecute, and has obstructed, the global war on terror.
5. The United Nations is rife with corruption and mismanagement, as seen in regards to the Oil-For-Food scandal.
6. The United Nations has failed to contribute to the stability of the nations of Afghanistan and Iraq by scaling back humanitarian work in the face of terrorist activity, and by not committing any peacekeeping forces to either country. In addition, the United Nations poses a risk to the stability of Afghanistan by scaling back its presence in said country just before the national election it's supposed to monitor.
In light of the findings cited in Section 1, the Congress of the United States requests that the United Nations immediately:
1. Establishes an independent investigation to root out corruption within the institution, and that employees found to be contributing to said problem are immediately removed from their posts.
2. Drafts an amendment to the UN Charter to allow the United Nations to take punitive measures against states considered to be human rights violators, including the loss of committee seats and voting privileges.
3. Establishes a permanent office to investigate the operation of the United Nations, and to prevent the UN from overstepping its authority as outlined in the UN Charter.
4. That the United Nations increases its humanitarian efforts around the world, especially in Iraq and Afghanistan.
Upon approval of this resolution, the Congress of the United States shall submit the findings and requests listed in this resolution to the United Nations General Assembly.
Upon submission of this resolution to the General Assembly, the United Nations shall be given three (3) months to institute the requests listed in Section 2, in part or in whole.
Should the United Nations reject every request made in Section 2, the United States shall threaten to withdraw from the United Nations and all associated committees and organizations. Should the United Nations fail to reverse it's original decision, the United States shall reserve the right to withdraw from the UN at any time, and will encourage other member states to do the same.
In addition, the federal government of the United States shall reserve the right to expel the UN Headquarters from the city of New York.
Upon being approved by the Congress and President of the United States, this resolution shall go into effect immediately. |