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> HR 1.376 Veterans' Benefits Act of 2004
Posted: Oct 14 2004, 08:36 PM
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GOP Chairman Candidate

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Posts: 869
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Joined: 21-August 04

Mr. Garwood �, for himself and Mr. Perry (D), Hollins (D), Hatcher �, Milam �, Conway (D), Dollins (L), Laverone �, Troutman (F), submit the following legislation to Congress:


To increase veteran's benefits by 10% and make all current soldiers serving in Afghanistan and Iraq elegible for benefits, including those who have already served in the wars from 2001-2004. Anyone previously exempted shall receive the increase and their benefits unless dishonerably discharged.

Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,


This Act may be cited as the 'Veterans' Benefits Act of 2004'.

SECTION 2. Provisons

1) All veteran's benefits including health care, social security, education, tuition reimbursement, counseling etc. shall be increased by 10%.

2) All veterans made ineligible for various reasons and have served in Afghanistan and Iraq from the years 2001-2004 shall receive their full benefits as well as the benefits increase.

3) All current soldiers serving abroad in Afghanistan and Iraq shall also receive the benefit increase as soon as possible.

4) No veteran shall be made ineligible for their benefits unless dishonorably discharged from the service of the armed forces.

5) All families who have lost soldiers in the Afghanistan and Iraq wars shall be provided with the soldiers' benefits and $850,000 in restitution for their loss per family member lost.

SECTION 3. Effective Date

1) This Act shall be effective immediately upon passage.

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