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Passes E/W : 8-2-0
QUOTE | Stem Cell Research Advancement Act of 2004
Mr. Warren (for himself, Mr. Galt, Mr. Ruben, Mr. Cole, Mr. Jackson, Mr. Dexter, Mr. Prapaisilp, Mr. Hsu, Mr.Antonio and Mr. Milam, Mr. Cherry, Mr. MacGyver, Mr. Brandel, Mr. Lalli, and Mr. Fernandez) submits the Stem Cell Research Advancement Act of 2004 for consideration by the committee on Energy and Commerce.
To be enacted by the U.S. Congress, a BILL to allow the current restrictions on Stem Cell research funding to be lifted.
This Act may be cited as the �SCR Act�.
(1) Embryonic stem cell research utilizes human embryos donated from fertilization clinics. These fertilization clinics only donate human embryos that are in excess of clinical need and otherwise would be discarded.
(2) Stem cell research has the potential to help prevent and/or treat such diseases as Alzheimer�s, Parkinson�s and diabetes.
(3) Stem cells have the potential, with further research to develop into tissue that can be used to heal damaged organs.
(1) Bans on Federal Funding for embryonic stem cell research shall be lifted.
(2) Financial compensation for the donation of embryos shall no longer be prohibited.
(3) Universities, teaching hospitals and medical schools shall be allowed to receive federal grants of stem cell research.
(4) The Congress shall ensure that no less than 60 stem cell lines will be available for scientific research.
(5) Appropriations Federal Funding of embryonic stem cell research shall be set at $75,000,000 for fiscal year 2005.
(6) The embryo from which any stem cell line is taken must have no possibility of developing into a human being.
SECTION 4. Enactment
(1) The Bill shall be enacted 6 months from the date passed. |