GOP Chairman Candidate
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QUOTE | Mr. Garwood (R-MI), Mr. Schmidt (R-CA), Mr. Wilder (D-TX), Mr. Walker (D-NY) and Mr. Heortman (R-CA), for themselves, submit the following bill, which will be referred to the Committee on Education and the Workforce.
A BILL to provide for a system of high quality Federally-awarded College degrees.
SECTION 1. SHORT TITLE. (1) This bill may be references as the "The Federal College Act of 2004."
SECTION 2. FINDINGS. (1) A college degree is an important ingredient for success in modern-day America. (2) The cost of college increasing puts such a degree out of reach for many Americans. (3) The increasing numbers of college students have, to a great degree, resulted in an erosion of some standards in post-secondary education. (4) A national "open" University has been extremely successful in the United Kingdom and elsewhere in Europe.
SECTION 3. FEDERAL COLLEGE DEGREES. (1) The US Department of Education, beginning on January 1st, 2006, shall award Federally-approved College Degrees to individuals who meet the requisite standards as set out in this act. (2) All branches of the Federal Government, including the Civil Service and the Armed Forces, shall recognize a Federal College Degree as equivalent to that granted by any publicly-accredited university or college within the United States.
SECTION 4. THE BOARD OF FEDERAL COLLEGE TRUSTEES. (1) The Federal College Degree program shall be overseen by a Board of Federal College Trustees. The Board shall have nine members appointed by the President to nine year terms, subject to the advice and consent of the Senate. (2) Initial members of the BFCT shall have their terms staggered in the following fashion. The first individual appointed shall serve a full nine-year term, the second an eight-year term, and continuing down through the ninth member who shall serve a one year term. (3) The Board shall vote annually in secret to approve the contents of the Federal College Degree Tests.
SECTION 5. FEDERAL COLLEGE TESTS (1) Six times annually, the Board of Federal College Trustees shall oversee the administration of the �Federal College Tests�, upon whose results the awarding of Federal College Degrees shall be based. (2) The Federal College Tests shall be administered over five days and shall include hour-long examinations in the following subjects: (a) English ( English Literature � American History (d) World History (e) American Government (f) The Classics (g) Mathematics (h) Physics (i) Chemistry (j) Biology (3) The Federal College Tests shall last three hours and be designed as to require from each student an overall knowledge equivalent to an individual graduating with honors from the average public university within the United States. (4) In order to pass the Federal College Tests, an individual must attain an average score of 80% and pass nine out of ten examinations.
SECTION 6. FEES. (1) The Federal College Tests shall be free for any American of any age to take.
SECTION 7. DEGREE AWARDING. (1) Individuals awarded a Federal College Degree shall be styled as a Bachelor of General Studies. (2) An individual may be awarded a degree with a focus in any of the ten subjects through the taking of a second test, to be designed by the Board of Federal College Trustees to a higher standard, with a 95% score.
SECTION 8. ENACTMENT CLAUSE. (1) This bill shall take effect on January 1, 2006. |